A mandala is an intricate design incorporating geometric shapes, circles, flowers, animals, and other figures. The detail in a mandala is eye-catching and intriguing. Mandalas are widely popular among all age groups from young children to the elderly.
Mandala coloring is an enjoyable form of creative expression. Although mandala designs tend to be more detailed and elaborate, many people claim therapeutic benefits from coloring them. Many also report that the nature of a mandala which requires focus and attentiveness is beneficial in reducing anxiety and racing thoughts.
The mandala has become increasingly popular in many aspects of design including:
- Clothing
- Textiles
- Artwork
- Kitchenware
- Stencils for furniture
- Floor Design
- Architecture
Their appeal is widespread. Colouring mandalas has become so popular, it is the #1 requested coloring page for adults. We’ve put together answers to some of the most common questions about mandalas to help you discover the wonder of mandalas for yourself.
Where Did Mandalas Come From?
Historically, mandalas originated as a Hindu and Buddhist image symbolizing the universe as a whole. A Sanskrit word meaning circle, the mandala’s symmetrical appearance with often a circle at the very center is thought to draw one’s attention to that center to aid in one’s ability to focus and meditate.
For centuries, mandala symbolism has been incorporated into politics, cultural influence, and many other religions and belief systems. Mandala designs have experienced a resurgence in popularity throughout many cultures around the world over the past few decades.
What are the Benefits of Coloring a Mandala?
- Creativity: Mandala coloring provides many benefits you may not be aware of. One of the most obvious perks is it provides a wonderful avenue for self-expression. Having a creative outlet is refreshing and renews one’s soul.
- Increased Productivity: Many times as people enter adulthood, the cares of the world tend to crowd out taking time for simple pleasures. While it seems as though the more we push forward, the more we will accomplish, that is not always the case. Taking a break is needed and beneficial. One way to do that is by coloring a mandala. Studies have shown an increased level of productivity after coloring a mandala design.
- Health Benefits: Who knew that mandala coloring also provides health benefits? From decreasing fluctuations in blood pressure to increasing the immune system, studies have shown that the act of coloring a mandala has measurable positive effects on the body. The relaxation derived from this activity has also been shown to help both children and adults sleep better as well.
- Mental Health Benefits: Mental health professionals report positive emotional and psychological effects from coloring mandalas including reducing anxiety and promoting peace and calmness. The mere act of focusing on coloring a mandala can improve concentration while at the same alleviating stress from external circumstances by releasing powerful stress-lowering endorphins.
Combine all of those amazing effects with the known benefits of engaging in creative endeavors of any sort, and coloring mandalas is a win in our book!
What is the Best Way to Color a Mandala?
First of all, let us just make it clear that there is no wrong way to color a mandala. Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, and the creator is subject only to their imagination – nothing and no one else.
That being said, if you are looking for some helpful tips to achieve a specific look you have in mind, or if you just don’t know where to start, we have put together some things for you to consider as you color your mandala.
- Crayons
- Colored Pencils
- Fine-tipped markers
- Pencil sharpener
Because of the intricate details of most mandalas, a fine tip will bring about the best results. If you choose to use crayons or colored pencils, be sure to have a sharpener on hand to keep the tip nice and sharp. Fine-tipped markers produce excellent results and don’t require sharpening. All of these supplies are readily available at craft stores as well as online.
Check out our recommended supplies HERE!
Let the colors you choose be reflective of your mood and style. Perhaps you feel most at peace in nature. Choose natural shades of browns and greens with perhaps a splash of yellow. If your calming place is the beach, experiment with shades of blues greens, and tans. Nature is such a wonderful teacher! Maybe that free spirit in you is feeling caged up and needs an outlet to be expressive, select the colors that make you feel most alive and vibrant. If you’re still undecided on a color scheme, take a look at your own home and artwork, and take cues from your own space.
Before you commit to your final color choices, you may want to experiment on a blank sheet of paper to see how the colors look and interact side by side before coloring your mandala. Remember, your creative endeavors should reflect you and bring you joy, first and foremost. And if you are making a mandala creation to gift to someone else, employ the same techniques with the preferences of the recipient to ensure a thoughtful personal gift.
Because of the symmetric nature of mandalas, many people choose to color them symmetrically, meaning the two sides if folded on top of each other would match perfectly. Take a little bit of time to study your mandala before planning your execution. Consider starting with darker tones towards the center and gradually lightening up as you move outward, ending with the lightest shades around the perimeter. Or perhaps reverse that process starting with the lightest shades in the middle.
Sometimes less is more, and a minimalistic technique could provide a simple yet stunning piece of art by focusing on particular shades of just one or two colors. And if planning seems too much work, and you choose to freestyle it, just go for it. Again, your creation should be a reflection of your style and preferences and not anyone else’s.
Can I Create My Own Mandala?
Of course, you can create your mandala! Again, there are no rules or limits to your creativity besides the ones you impose on yourself. If you’re not sure where to start, we have come up with a few tips to help you begin your creation.
Collect the tools you will need for your project. They include:
- Paper or canvas
- Pencil
- Sharpener
- Eraser
- Marker or pen
- Ruler
- Circular objects of varying sizes
Now, make yourself comfortable and follow these simple steps to create your mandala. Relax and enjoy the entire creative process. Allow your mind to be fully engaged without putting any pressure on yourself to do it “perfectly.”
- Using your pencil, start by making a large circle. You can trace around a plate, cup, lamp base, vase, or even a large round cookie cutter to get a nice starting point.
- Next, using your ruler, draw intersecting lines to divide the circle into four even sections (just like you’re cutting a pie).
- Starting in the center, begin by drawing your center shape. You can use another circle a flower or any other figure you desire. Use your intersecting lines to help make both sides symmetric.
- Continue working your way out until you have reached your outside perimeter. You don’t have to stop there, though. Feel free to go beyond as that is just there as a guideline.
- Once you are satisfied with your design, trace it with your pen or marker to darken the lines.
- Now you are free to color your mandala in whatever color scheme you decide.
- When finished, celebrate and proudly display your original creation!
Final Thoughts
Mandalas are an intriguing option to add to your coloring craft. We hope your takeaway from the above is that you can color them however you wish and even create your own. Enjoy each step in the process and express your style through your design.
Keep a mandala coloring book close by to take short breaks throughout the day to improve your focus and productivity. If you have to run out the door, don’t forget to grab your supplies so you can take a few minutes throughout the day to de-stress. And, finally, need a way to relax before bedtime? You guessed it! Spend a few minutes coloring your mandala for a great night’s sleep.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find mandalas to color?
Mandala coloring books can be found at about any retailer that sells coloring books, both brick and mortar stores as well as online. A quick search online will also reveal a multitude of free mandalas that you can print yourself or have printed at a printing shop.
Are there mandala coloring clubs?
Yes! Social media is a great way to find online mandala coloring clubs. You can also use local websites to see if there are any mandala coloring clubs in your area. If you choose to meet with a local club, remember to use caution and meet in secure public spaces.
Maximize the benefits of coloring with my free adult coloring eBook and by signing up for my email newsletter HERE!
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