Is Coloring a Form of Meditation?

We have all had those stressful days where we just feel like we are about to collapse. Instead of reaching for your phone to look at social media, it might be better to pull out some colored pencils and get to coloring. Why is that, you ask? Because coloring can have the same mindfulness effect that meditation can achieve. Well, you want to feel relaxed and rejuvenated after a stressful day, don’t you? Read on!

Coloring can be a form of meditation if done mindfully. Meditation is used to combat stress, depression, anxiety, and the overall health of the body. When an individual is coloring to combat stress, the mind is completely focused on the coloring at hand, rather than the circling thoughts of stress.

Now that we have taken the time to address that coloring can be a form of meditation, let’s get to the basics of why. No matter what, we will both leave here with some new knowledge about meditation and the art of coloring. Let’s get started!

Utilizing Coloring as Meditation

In childhood, many children are given a coloring book and a pack of colored pencils to keep them busy for some time. Who knew that this simple act of coloring was restoring our minds and setting potential for a stress-free day?

Coloring can tap into distant memories as children. Coloring was fun but also relaxing to do. As children became adults, life got a bit busier. When coloring is utilized as a calming activity for adults, the adults can tap into childlike memories of nostalgia due to the simple act of coloring. Oh, I know our younger selves would be overjoyed to see coloring incorporated into everyday life!

Coloring Reduces Stress and Anxiety

In a study by Beaumont Health, coloring is reported to have the “same ability to relax the fear center of your brain, the amygdala.” Coloring allows the same state of mediation by decreasing the thoughts and worries that develop in the mind. Coloring can generate a type of mindfulness that allows the body and mind to go quiet. Please be mindful that although coloring can be a coping mechanism for mental and physical illnesses, it is NOT a replacement for therapy or acute medical care. Please see a professional to address any mental or physical concerns you may have for your health.

Mindfulness and Creativity as One

The wonderful thing about coloring and using it as a form of meditation is that you can grow your creativity and understanding as well.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness, according to, is a state of sustained and alert awareness due to the focus on the present moment. Mindfulness is an effective way to reduce symptoms that revolve around stress and anxiety, while simultaneously increasing the cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal functioning of the mind (Lebuda, Zabeline, & Karwowski, 2015). Mindfulness can go hand-in-hand with allowing our creativity to flourish. According to a published journal found in the National Library of Medicine, “mindfulness encourages creativity, and creativity encourages mindfulness.”

For example, being in a state of mindfulness allows your brain to reduce the fear of judgment. The reduction in fear allows your mind to open to the full possibilities of creativity. Mindfulness is about keeping an acute awareness from moment to moment. In this case, it indicates that mindfulness and creativity are directly linked to increasing creative thinking and success.

So, when you sit down to the color, make sure to take in the patterns that are on the page in front of you. By taking it in, you are already preparing your mind to key into unnoticeable details. In this way, your mind is already starting to achieve a meditative state by keeping your focus on small, intricate details.

Coloring Can Create a Space of Mindfulness

When you color, your brain can focus specifically on the art at hand. Geometric shapes like the Mandela can achieve this the best.

Mandalas are circles that are sacredly used for meditation in both Hinduism and Buddhism religions of Indian and Tibetan cultures. Many other religions have used the Mandala pattern in spiritual and ceremonial practices as well.

Mandalas can be incorporated as drawings or paintings. Many have used the Mandala as a symbol in wood, or temporary creations. The Mandala is made up of a variety of different geometric shapes and symbols that repeat in the pattern.

When a person is coloring a Mandala, the mind can only focus on the intricate and beautiful patterns. The best part of this; you do not have to be a meditation expert to achieve mindfulness while coloring. With a Mandala, you can have fun with different colors and beautiful patterns, while also rejuvenating your body and mind after a long day.

Coloring a Mandala, or using coloring books specifically of Mandalas, is especially useful for adults who may be dealing with a terminal illness. For example, some Cancer Centers have utilized Mandala coloring books to help lift patients’ moods and calm their bodies.

Another awesome coping mechanism that Mandalas provides for adults who are trying to quit smoking. Coloring Mandalas can keep your hands occupied for intervals at a time. Having a Mandala on the go is a stress-free and relaxing way to curb the urge to smoke while keeping your hands busy.

Learn more about the benefits of coloring HERE!

Let’s Talk About Resources

Now that we talked more about how coloring can be a method of mediation, let’s get into some resources you can follow along with!

Finding Resources For Meditative Coloring

There is an abundance of websites to visit to find exactly what you are looking for. If you are in the mood to stick to specific patterns, coloring a Mandala might be the perfect solution for you. Some of our favorite sites and resources to use can be found on This site allows you to print any Mandala patterns from the comfort of your own home. So, for the people who don’t want to spend money on coloring books, this may be for you!

Another awesome, free option is by Psychologist Dr. Lawrence Shapiro. This PDF is a collection of 19 intricate illustrations that range in complexity. The range in difficulty is utilized to help the mind only focus on the coloring at hand. Some of these illustrations are complex enough that they could take longer periods to finish. As talked about before, this is perfect for creating a mindfulness space.

If you are looking for a wide variety of coloring illustrations, you might want to go the coloring book route! Don’t worry, our favorites are low in cost! Nobody wants to drop over $30 for a coloring book.

Some of our favorite coloring books to follow for meditative coloring include:

    • The Mindfulness Coloring Book: Anti-Stress Art Therapy for Busy People
    • Modern Meditation: Coloring For Focus and Creativity
    • Color Me Calm: 100 Coloring Templates for Meditation and Relaxation
    • 5o Mandalas for Stress Relief
    • Posh Adult Coloring Book: Soothing Designs For Fun & Relaxation
    • Adult Coloring Book: Stress-Relieving Animal Designs
    • Balance (Angie’s Extreme Stress Menders Volume 1)
    • Mandala Coloring Book For Adults
    • Joyful Designs: Adult Coloring Book (31 Stress-Relieving Designs)
    • Serenity Adult Coloring Book

Now that we have shown you a few of our favorites, let’s move on to our final thoughts. We hope you found some new ways to combat the daily stress in your life!

Final Thoughts

Make sure to always speak to a mental health professional if you are experiencing a health emergency. As previously stated, utilizing coloring books and Mandalas is NOT a replacement for therapy. Art Therapy is an actual service used for mental health patients who are dealing with traumatic experiences. If this applies to you, please seek out professional help.

For those who need a quick fix to help with the stress of daily life, these books and illustrations are for you. Be mindful that it is okay to not achieve a state of mediation when coloring. Sometimes we can be a bit too stressed to focus. When that happens, take a minute to ground yourself in your environment.

Before you go, enjoy a beautiful quote to start your day of coloring:

“Do not lose yourself in the past. Do not lose yourself in the future. Do not get caught in your anger, worries, or fears. Come back to the present moment, and touch life deeply. This is mindfulness.” – THICH NHAT HANH

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have to color Mandalas to achieve a meditative state?

No, it all depends on the person. If someone likes to freestyle, that is their prerogative! If you are someone who likes to follow patterns, any detailed geometric state can help achieve that. There are many options out there for everyone to love.

What are other ways to achieve mindfulness?

A great practice is to take in the environment around you and start to draw what you see. Forget about what you think and only focus on what you are seeing. Just draw it. Pay attention to every move you make with your coloring pen or pencil. Through this, you might grow a new perspective about yourself and life overall.

Maximize the benefits of coloring with my free adult coloring eBook and by signing up for my email newsletter HERE!

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Shawn C

Hi! I’m Shawn and I Love Coloring and Art and the people in it! I created this website as a resource to help those who are considering getting into adult coloring. My website is your one-stop destination for all the inspired instruction and resources you need to start and grow your adult coloring hobby. From geometric to floral to zen doodles and from time to time even mandala’s when I am in the mood. I have researched and gathered the information to help you in your goal of starting your adult coloring hobby.

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