How to Realistically Color with Crayons?

Chances are if you have found yourself wondering about coloring realistically with crayons, you are older than a toddler who scribbles with complete abandon. The appeal of crayons spans generations from young to old, and crayons remain a vibrant viable medium for creating beautiful art projects.

With just a little forethought and planning, coloring realistically with crayons is easily achievable. When contemplating a crayon creation, essential things to consider include choosing the proper type of crayon along with related tools, selecting a suitable surface, choosing your color palette, and honing your techniques.

Crayons are versatile and can provide much depth and texture to the artwork. Sharpened tips provide crisp outlines and details, and smooth flattened sides create beautiful shading and filling. Preparation and execution are key to achieving fulfilling crayon art. We’ve come up with five tips to help you get the most out of your crayons.

Select the Crayon Best Suited for Your Project

    • Paraffin wax crayons: The most common crayon on the market is the paraffin wax-based crayon. This standard for school supply lists is inexpensive and found anywhere art and craft supplies are sold. While being the most popular and most readily available, other crayon types may provide results more to your liking.
    • Beeswax crayons: Another variety of crayons available is the beeswax crayon which is often created by combining the beeswax with cocoa butter and carnauba wax. Natural pigments derived from common organic materials provide rich intense colors that are great for creating shading effects and depth. The beeswax crayon tends to glide easily and smoothly across the chosen canvas providing an enjoyable coloring experience as well as a beautiful end product.
    • Wax or oil pastels: Another option for those searching for the perfect crayon and a popular choice among artists is wax or oil pastels. Made from a combination of non-drying oil and wax, the pastels smoothly glide across any surface and blend beautifully with other colors to create custom colors.

Some wax pastels are water-soluble which enables the artist to create a watercolor effect. This technique is not possible with paraffin wax-based crayons. Wax or oil pastels are preferred by many professional artists. Although they cost more than the average wax crayon, they are felt by many artists to be worth the investment.

Think Creatively When Selecting Your Surface

    • Coloring books and printables: Naturally when one thinks of coloring, the mind automatically goes to coloring books, of course. Coloring books originated in the 1880s and have continued to evolve ever since then.

From simple children’s coloring books with large spaces and minimal detail to coloring books designed with an adult target audience in mind, the popularity of coloring books continues. In addition to commercially published coloring books, printable pages for coloring are widely available online.

When coloring on paper surfaces such as a coloring book, construction paper, cardstock, or copy paper, make sure the paper is on a flat smooth surface to prevent your artwork from picking up texture from underneath. If a texture is desired, though, experiment with different types of patterns and consistencies to achieve the effect you desire.

    • Stretched canvasses or canvas panels: Canvasses naturally have a texture that may be incorporated into your design. If you are desiring a completely smooth-looking design, that may be harder to achieve on a canvas. Experiment with the different techniques mentioned below to bring about the look you are going for.
    • Fabric: Coloring on fabric can be a fun way to spruce up your décor or create wearable works of art. Whether you use crayons specifically for fabric or paraffin wax-based crayons, choose a fabric with a tight weave to achieve the best results.
    • Wood: Natural or painted wood is a fun backdrop for a colored design. Giving your natural wood a good sanding first will create a smooth surface to color on, but don’t be intimidated by the natural grooves and grain if you desire a more rustic look. If you choose to paint your wood first, be sure to allow it to dry completely before coloring.
    • Rocks: Creating artwork on rocks has become increasingly popular. Select a relatively smooth rock, color it as desired, seal it, and use it as a paperweight on your desk or create a fun critter to hang out in your houseplant.
    • Glass: Glass is another viable surface to color with your crayons. Whether it be a sheet of glass from a picture frame or a framed mirror, be sure to clean your glass beforehand and let it dry completely before embellishing it.

Whatever surface you choose, even the ones not listed above, don’t be afraid to indulge your imagination when it comes to thinking beyond the usual. After all, toddlers don’t.

Check out our article about coloring on canvas HERE!

Gather the Necessary Tools

Every artist requires tools for their trade. Those who color with crayons are no exception. At the top of the list is a tool or technique for sharpening and refining the tip of the crayon. Large boxes of crayons often provide a built-in sharpener which is adequate to keep the tips narrow for detail, but any pencil or crayon sharpener can accomplish that as well.

Other techniques for sharpening crayons include using sandpaper, dipping the dull tip of the crayon in hot water for a few minutes and then reshaping it with your fingers, or using a knife to carve the crayon back to a pointy tip.

If you are coloring in a coloring book, other than occasionally sharpening the tips, no other tools are probably necessary. If drawing freehand, however, you may want to have a ruler nearby for straight lines, bottle caps or cups to create circles, or anything else you can find to trace around to get your desired shape. Toothpicks, craft sticks, and forks can be dragged or drawn through the crayon coloring to give textural interest to your picture as well.

Choosing Your Color Palette

Whether you are going for a sophisticated intricate design or just mere whimsy, choosing the correct colors will dictate the result. For natural-looking pictures including portraits and scenic designs, take your cues from nature. Step outside and observe the subtle shades of the grass or bark of the tree. Notice the variations of the clouds in the sky, long shadows from a fall sky, or reflections in a creek or pond.

Nature provides a beautiful palette to learn from. Take a look in the mirror or gaze at a photograph for inspiration for drawing and coloring facial features, and of course, your pet would also be a suitable subject. Nature is indeed a great teacher!

For more casual whimsical artwork, let the colors speak to you. Don’t be afraid to mix and blend and shade until your heart is content! Let your imagination live and breathe on the canvas. With hundreds of colors available, the possibilities are only limited if you allow such.

Honing Your Technique

As any professional artist would tell you, practice is essential. Coloring is no different. It takes time to develop technique and style. A firm steady hand while outlining will provide a nice framework for your picture. For consistent coverage, try coloring with small circles instead of broad strokes. Practice blending and shading to get the look you are going for before instituting it on your actual project. Hatching and cross-hatching can help provide full coverage and increase the intensity. Don’t be afraid to rotate your canvas as you color to help you achieve your desired effect.

Helpful Hints:

    • Heating your paper or whatever surface you’re coloring on with a hairdryer can provide enough warmth to help the crayons soften as you color to create a smoother finish.
    • Baby oil on a cotton swab can also help blend and shade your colors. It’s a good idea to experiment with this method before trying it on your final piece. Different types of paper and surfaces will absorb the baby oil with varying effects resulting in differing outcomes.

Final Thoughts

Yes! You can realistically color with crayons! Using the above tips and techniques, let your inner child express himself and let the creativity flow. Finding new creative outlets helps to calm and soothe a weary soul, and now is a great time for that. Don’t you think?

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t find the color I need?

Consider making your custom crayons. Experiment with melting and mixing crayons to get your desired color. Once you have the right color, pour the mixture into a silicone mold to harden. Molds can be found at your local craft shop or online for purchase.

How can I preserve my crayon art?

For your crayon projects on wood, rock, or glass, Mod Podge or a similar product is a great way to preserve your artwork. Test on an inconspicuous area or a separate sample to ensure it provides the look you want. A canvas or page from a coloring book can be easily framed to sit on a shelf or hang on your wall for display.

Where can I connect with other people who color with crayons?

A quick search online for crayon coloring blogs will provide you with some good connections. Social media pages and groups are other great places to connect as well.

Maximize the benefits of coloring with my free adult coloring eBook and by signing up for my email newsletter HERE!

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Shawn C

Hi! I’m Shawn and I Love Coloring and Art and the people in it! I created this website as a resource to help those who are considering getting into adult coloring. My website is your one-stop destination for all the inspired instruction and resources you need to start and grow your adult coloring hobby. From geometric to floral to zen doodles and from time to time even mandala’s when I am in the mood. I have researched and gathered the information to help you in your goal of starting your adult coloring hobby.

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