Different Types of Erasers for Adult Coloring

Coloring is a great way to express yourself creatively while giving your brain a chance to destress. An assortment of colored pencils is a key tool to have around if you are a coloring connoisseur. However, not every masterpiece will turn out perfect the first time, and we are bound to make some mistakes along the way. Fear not; erasers come to the rescue every time!

Let’s get started with different types of erasers and what they can effectively accomplish. Below, you can find a curated list of different erasers and links to the relevant products that are mentioned. 

1. Kneaded Eraser

Also known as kneaded erasers. These erasers can be molded to any size/shape needed. This allows you to erase the smaller, more complex details you want to redo or get rid of. The con of this eraser is that it can get messy if the color lifts off the paper onto the eraser and further smudges colored marks on your art. 

2. Electric Eraser

A great option for erasing colored pencils, especially for darker marks that are more difficult to get rid of due to the pressure. Another great feature of electric erasers is the ability to lighten your art and create awesome effects. Because the tool can be strong with different options for battery life, this tool is incredibly versatile because of the pressure changes and soft touch. 

3. Eraser Pencil

This cool tool is a great concept and fun to practice with. It looks like a normal pencil and can be shaped like one too. However, the end tip of the pencil is not used for depositing color; it’s used to erase small mistakes! 

4. Sand Eraser

Quoted as a “life-saving tool” for removing any type of mess, including watercolor, ink, and colored pencils. This product is combined with rubber latex and silica grit, which makes it a versatile product that can remove your mistakes without leaving any color residue. 

5. Retractable Eraser Pens

Numerous artists vouch for this tool because of its lightweight and sleek design. One amazing attribute of the tool is the flexibility it has. If you want, you can cut the eraser diagonally or whichever way you choose to produce intricate erasing. 

Next, let’s move on to some great tips on how to utilize these erasers to the best of your ability. Colored pencils are hard to erase, and they often smudge more rather than rid of your mistakes. Nobody likes smears all over their design. Nobody wants a bigger mess! So, how do you effectively erase a colored pencil mistake?

Eraser Usability Pros and Cons

When looking for the best tool to erase pencil marks, everyone should consider erasability, shapes, types, tidiness, or smudges the paper might leave (texture). It is always important to have all of your other supplies matching the same quality of your eraser. 

First, you have to get the right pencils! Having the right pencils and paper is a great practice when trying to utilize the erasers to the best of their ability. Always remember to be gentle, gentle, gentle! We have said this a lot, but it needs to be remembered because there are too many beautiful ruined pieces due to bad paper etiquette.

Many artists usually stick to rubber or silica erasers that are specifically made to remove touch marks. These erasers are often made in the perfect size for the handling of an artist. The secret? Opt for erasers with sharp corners because they will delete intricate lines that may be tricky. 

Furthermore, make sure you aren’t working on cheaply made paper. If you work on thin paper, an abrasive eraser can ruin the texture of the paper (and your design), which can leave unneeded smears all over your paper. 

Kneaded erasers are at the top of the list when it comes to effective erasing, but you always need to be careful because sometimes, the color can mush into the eraser and disperse other places. Another thing to remind yourself: be careful not to crease the paper or whatever surface you are working on. It is important not to let your frustration get the best of you and vigorously start erasing your mistake. Keep a careful, steady touch to ensure the best result!

Another great option that seems to be the most popular is electric erasers. One technique to follow with these erasers is to practice with some test pieces before using them on one of your perfected drawings. This way, you can get used to the feel of the electric eraser as they can be pretty powerful; you have to gauge how much pressure is truly needed. 

Another option is artist tape. This is a new one we have yet to hear more about, but it is great for seamlessly lifting the color mistake you made. You can use this tape by cutting a piece of the right size, pressing it against the mistake, and then rubbing it over the surface of the tape. Once it is nice and stuck, rip the tape off slowly to gather the mishap. 

Ta-da! The mistake is now on the piece of tape, and you didn’t even crease your page! However, make sure to use acid-free tape, and be careful not to lift off pieces of the actual paper. 

Next, let’s move on to some of the highly-rated brands for colored pencil erasers.

Best Erasers for Colored Pencils

Below, you will find a curated list of different brands of erasers for adult coloring and where you can find them. Most of these are budget-friendly and environmentally friendly, so I am sure there is something out there for everyone. Let’s get started. 

Derwent Battery Operated Eraser

  • It helps blend and burnish existing colored designs.
  • A small tip is stabilized by a metal holder.
  • Works well for tight spots and intricate lines.
  • Includes eight erasers for replacement.
  • Control button for right-hand and left-hand users.

Tombow 67304 MONO Sand Eraser

  • They are made of rubber latex and silica for cleaning.
  • Leaves ZERO color residue on the paper.
  • Environmentally-friendly.

Vanish 4-in-1 Artist Eraser

  • Replace the kneaded eraser’s popularity for a better drawing technique (subtractive).
  • I removed colored markings, graphite, and charcoal.
  • Deletes ink and chalk marks.
  • It does not damage paper surfaces.
  • Zero smudges and rubber “crumbs.”

Prismacolor Premier Magic Rub Eraser

  • Vinyl eraser.
  • Rubs off pencil marks without making extra creases.
  • Absorbs graphite, but it is a bit delicate.
  • It does not smudge because it is latex-free.

Pentel Hi-Polymer Block Eraser

  • A rectangular shape that has crisp edges to remove small spots. 
  • Soft rubber, but it can become dirty quickly. 
  • No, wear or tear, and it lasts a long time. 
  • Leaves zero smudges. 

AFMAT Electric Eraser

  • Pen-style eraser with an ergonomic design and an easy control button.
  • One hundred refills at 0.009 inches and 40 refills at 0.19 inches.
  • It runs on a rechargeable battery, so it does save the environment!
  • Preserve the paper while erasing due to the different pressures. 

Now that we have touched base on some of the best erasers on the market today, you can start to look for incredible coloring pencil sets to complement your new eraser knowledge. Whether you’re working on an art piece, a presentation for work, or important notes for a meeting, these erasers are perfect for anybody’s needs. Happy coloring (or erasing)!

“This world is like a rainbow or flower garden. Each nation donates different colors—tribe, religion, race, language, traditions, different cultures, etc. The differences make this life more beautiful. What would happen if the earth only contains black or white? Rainbow with one color. Flower gardens with one kind of flower. We are all the colors of life, and we live together in harmony to make this world more beautiful and give happiness to everyone.” -Andry Lavigne

Check out more eraser recommendations HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best paper for colored pencils?

That is a loaded question! Well, if you are a beginner, then the Strathmore 300 Bristol Paper is an awesome find. This paper is available in smooth and medium textures while also being offered in single sheets or pads of 20. It is budget-friendly and a great way to get started on your coloring journey. Even if you aren’t a beginner, this is still a great quality product. 

What guidelines should I follow for picking the right set of colored pencils?

If you want to learn more about picking the right set of colored pencils, it is best to consider the type of “grade” when it comes to the quality of the pencil. Do you want a “student grade” or “artist” grade type of colored pencil? If you are looking for top quality, go with artist-grade sets. I know this isn’t the most budget-friendly option, but the cost is worth it for the rich gradient. 

Maximize the benefits of coloring with my free adult coloring eBook and sign up for my email newsletter HERE!

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Shawn C

Hi! I’m Shawn and I Love Coloring and Art and the people in it! I created this website as a resource to help those who are considering getting into adult coloring. My website is your one-stop destination for all the inspired instruction and resources you need to start and grow your adult coloring hobby. From geometric to floral to zen doodles and from time to time even mandala’s when I am in the mood. I have researched and gathered the information to help you in your goal of starting your adult coloring hobby.

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