How Does Coloring Influence Mood, Stress, and Mindfulness?

There is no doubt that 2020 has brought challenges, changes, stress, anxiety, and even fear into our lives. What if I told you that coloring in a coloring book could alleviate some of those negative feelings and help us find relief, relaxation, and mindfulness? Well, it’s true!

The act of coloring reduces the thoughts of a restless, anxious mind by relaxing the fear center of our brains, called the amygdala. Studies show that coloring triggers the same meditative thoughts as active meditation does, generating mindfulness and quietness, thereby reducing stress, anxiety, and even fear.

Not only does the act of coloring help reduce stress and anxiety, but studies show that specific colors, the actual colors themselves, can help restless minds, too. So grab a coloring book that looks interesting, some colored crayons or colored pencils, and give it a try! It can’t hurt, right?

Brain Basics

Located deep in the brain’s right and left temporal lobes, our two almond-shaped amygdalae are no bigger than a few cubic centimeters. Often credited for being the “fear center” of the brain, the amygdala is responsible for lots more than that. As part of our brain’s limbic system, the amygdala is partially responsible for the perception of emotions like anger, fear, sadness, and the control of aggression.

Fear is an essential part of our lives. It’s certainly not all bad. Fear is self-preserving and helps keep us from dangerous situations, heightening our awareness, usually called the “flight or fight” response. It is this awareness and response that is controlled by the amygdala.

For example, if a dog ever bites you, it’s the amygdala that helps store memories of that event and the emotions you felt about that event. Therefore, the amygdala helps in processing your heightened awareness of dogs, even fear of dogs, in the future.

Some people choose to elicit a response from the amygdala on purpose because that feeling of fear, stress, and adrenaline that comes along with it can be fun and exciting! Why else would we willingly ride a roller coaster, walk through a haunted house, or watch a scary movie?

But what does all this have to do with coloring?

Coloring Benefits for the Mind

Simply put, coloring reduces amygdala activity by allowing your brain to recognize that when you sit down to the color, you are in a safe, predictable environment. There is no need to use fight or flight mode.

When you choose to set aside time for yourself to enjoy an activity that isn’t required of you, like job responsibilities or expected of you, like cooking or laundry, mowing the grass, or raking the yard, you are already allowing yourself time for a mental break.

For some, the idea of setting aside time just to “indulge” in pleasurable activity can be a real challenge, especially in today’s modern world where we are connected to our jobs even while at home. But, now more than ever, this time for self is crucial.

With many people still working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, work-life has even more significant potential to bleed into home life. This intertwining makes taking breaks from stressors even more difficult than usual.

For those of us who color, we already know that allowing ourselves time to create and think quietly, maybe even while sipping a cup of hot tea or listening to quiet music, is inherently calming.

Coloring reduces the thoughts of a restless mind, not unlike focused meditation, and allows us to focus on only those choices important to the craft itself. What color should I use? Do I want to try a new shading technique? What color palette might look nice with the image I have chosen?

This permission to engage in the activity of coloring allows you to take a break from the required and expected activities, thereby quieting your mind and allowing you time to relax.

Besides, what you are creating is beautiful, too, and beauty – especially when we create it – makes us happy!

Image Choice

Image choice isn’t all that important to reaping the benefits of coloring. If you are intrigued by a particular image or coloring book theme, that’s a great place to start. If you like the images you coloring, or you have a specific interest in the piece you’re working on, it’s going to bring you happiness as you add color and try out different shading techniques.

Would you believe, though, that studies have shown that the geometric circles we call mandalas can be more beneficial to alleviating stress than other types of images?

Mandala means “circle” in Sanskrit. In almost every culture, circles are important symbols. We see them used a great deal within religious symbolism, architecture, and even in nature.

Mandalas have long been used in art, with the creation of a mandala being as important as the finished product itself. Now, mandalas, each with their own intricate and beautiful designs, are themes of many adult coloring books. The geometric patterns almost force concentration and attention, allowing creative expression and clearing anxious minds.

Often, mandalas can be useful with:

    • People managing addiction. Busy hands are best. For many people battling addiction, staying active is essential. People usually figure out what hobby or project works best; however, adult coloring is a great place to start. Not only does the act of coloring specifical aid in stress and anxiety reduction, but it’s inconspicuous and mobile. You can carry a small container of colored pencils and a coloring book with you almost anywhere and begin coloring whenever you feel the need. It’s inexpensive, and you can find coloring books and utensils practically anywhere.
    • Children. Professionals have found mandala coloring beneficial to children as young as 3 years old in dealing with difficult emotions. Because mandalas are more specific and structured pieces of artwork, children don’t worry as much about “giving away” their feelings through coloring a mandala as they might with a more typical children’s drawing.
    • People dealing with illness. The calming effect of coloring, particularly a mandala, helps nurture the spirit and cope with pain, fear, and unsettling feelings. Used to aid in meditative thought processes, some cancer centers worldwide have incorporated mandala workshops into their long-term treatment plans for patients and their caregivers.

Learn more about the benefits HERE!

Color Science

Science has long proven that specific colors can evoke certain feelings. Color has a significant impact on us. It’s been scientifically proven that particular colors can help us reduce our stress. Try using some of these colors to increase that zen feeling while you color.

    • Blue: A perennial favorite, blue is a soothing color, calm and gentle. Blue can help slow heart rates, lower blood pressure, and decrease general anxiety.
    • Green: Synonymous with nature, green is restful and quiet. Beige greens and pale yellow greens are reported to be the most stress-reducing shades.
    • Pink: In Feng Shui, pink is purported to soothe energies and help keep energy understated. Typically, pink is symbolic of tranquility.
    • White: Bright, clean white is said to promote clarity of thought. Crisp shades evoke reminders of cleanliness and freshness.
    • Violet: Studies suggest that under violet light, meditation can be ten times greater. Wow! Signifying peace and wisdom, violet can bring inner peace.
    • Yellow: A super positive color, research proves that people in yellow rooms tend to be more active and conscious than people in rooms of other colors. Evoking memories of sunshine and light, it’s no wonder!

Allowing yourself time to choose to color honors yourself. When you take time to do things that bring you happiness and relax your mind in the way coloring does, you are communicating to yourself that you are important. You are worth the time spent on yourself, and what could be more important than that?

So, pick up a coloring book with images you particularly love, grab a handful of colored pencils or crayons, and set aside some time for yourself. You won’t be sorry!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there other benefits to adult coloring?

Yes! Coloring improves focus, motor skills, and even sleep. For those having bouts of insomnia, it is often recommended that electronics be put away and coloring be done in the half-hour or so before sleep is intended.

Can coloring create friendships?

There are lots of ways to connect through coloring. All you have to do is search! Facebook and Instagram groups, specifically for those who color, are trendy. When it is safe to do so, look for meet-ups and Coloring Clubs in your nearby neighborhoods. Bet you’ll find some.

Does coloring help those who have PTSD?

Research shows that those who have PTSD can, indeed, see improvement in some of their symptoms by coloring. However, it’s essential to understand that while coloring on your own is helpful, it is not the same, nor is it likely to produce the same significant results as guided art therapy. If you are suffering from symptoms related to PTSD or are experiencing significant issues with anxiety or stress, it is vital to reach out to a mental health professional who will help more specifically.

Maximize the benefits of coloring with my free adult coloring eBook and by signing up for my email newsletter HERE!

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Shawn C

Hi! I’m Shawn and I Love Coloring and Art and the people in it! I created this website as a resource to help those who are considering getting into adult coloring. My website is your one-stop destination for all the inspired instruction and resources you need to start and grow your adult coloring hobby. From geometric to floral to zen doodles and from time to time even mandala’s when I am in the mood. I have researched and gathered the information to help you in your goal of starting your adult coloring hobby.

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