How Do You Best Choose a Mandala to Color?

A huge variety of coloring books incorporate mandalas in their pages because they are believed to be relaxing. Originally from Hinduism, they’ve endured the centuries and are still around providing a chance to concentrate on something beautiful while you relieve stress.

Finding a mandala to color should take into consideration what draws your eye, what the mandala represents to you, which colors you’re planning on using the mandala, and whether the geometric patterns seem like something you wouldn’t mind working on for many hours. The best mandala to color is one that will keep you engaged so you’ll be able to unwind and relax.

Mandalas have always been about relaxation. It’s easy as an adult to get absorbed with the outcome, and you can’t do that when you color mandalas. While you should be detailed, you should also experience calmness.

Check Out Finished Examples Before You Start!

History is rife with mandalas, and so is the internet. Before you pick a mandala to color, find some finished examples that excite you and study what it is about those mandalas that appeal to you. Is it the coloring? The shape of a certain pattern? How does the pattern repeat?

Studying finished mandalas will also help you determine which colors you like on what kind of elements, and it will help you conceptualize what it is that visually draws you to a particular mandala. The mandala you pick will be something to which you will dedicate time, so you’ll want to familiarize yourself with your personal preferences.

Consider Any Meaning You Want to be Imbued in the Design

When looking at mandalas to color, consider why you want to color them. Of course, there’s the de-stressing and meditative aspect, but is there a deeper desire you want the mandala to represent so it’s a good visual tool once it’s done?

Your answer to this may be no, which is fantastic. In that case, put more weight into the other tips in this article. However, if you know you want it imbued with love, or you want the mandala to inspire courage, consider certain aspects of the design.

Depending on what spiritual practice you follow, numbers may have different meanings. For example, a lot of families believe that 7 brings luck for a multitude of reasons. Other numbers can correspond to different emotions, like love, fertility, enlightenment, and others. Google the number associated with your deeper desire and try to find a mandala with patterns that rotate that exact number of times.

Colors also carry different meanings in certain traditions, so it might be beneficial to research which color palettes you want to use. This will help you narrow down your choices so you can further inform yourself before devoting hours to a mandala to color.

Make Sure to Pick a Design That Seems Cohesive

Mandalas have existed for thousands of years as symbols of the interconnected nature of the universe. The purpose of mandalas is to give you something intricate to look at while you ponder that truth. In essence, they are designed so you recognize your place in the order of things and find comfort in them.

That’s the source of their anxiety-reducing powers.

So, you’ll want to make sure that the overall design of the mandala you choose seems cohesive and not disjointed. If the mandala at first glance appears like a jumble to you, and not an interconnected network of shapes and visual cues, don’t choose that one. You’re not trying to zoom in on what makes you uncomfortable, you’re trying to pick something meditative and complex.

What Is Your Coloring Implemented?

What you choose to color with should have a major impact on which design you choose. You don’t want to pick a mandala with super small spaces and then color with a large-tipped marker, which may bleed across the lines and fill in a bunch more space than originally intended.

Consider your mastery of the artistic tools you have available. If you’re new to coloring, using colored pencils or even crayons may be a good idea. Markers are a good choice too if you’re looking for a monotone yet bold look, however, keep in mind that bigger markers tend to bleed.

Gel pens are a great choice because they come in so many different colors for a good price. These can also easily be used in conjunction with markers and pencils for a creative look.

Some people who are familiar with art skills might choose watercolors, though if you do this, cut the page out of any book so the paint doesn’t bleed through and ruin the pages underneath it.

You Can Print Mandalas on Colored Paper

If you don’t have a dedicated coloring book already purchased, consider printing your mandala out on colored paper. This is a great way to give the overall design a shade you can branch out from as you decide what colors to use.

Different colored pages can make the same mandala look different, as the background color stimulates your mind to consider the possibilities that will still be appealing when completed. While a white background is generally considered a clean slate, if you know you’re going to use different shades of pink, think about how it would look on pink paper before you hit print!

Consider the Theme of the Center

Generally, when you approach a mandala, you should be drawn to the center and to the repeating patterns spiraling out of that center. What appears in the center should resonate with you, and how that fits in with the radiating patterning should also be appealing.

The center of a mandala is important because Some mandalas will have flowers or hearts in the center, while some are more abstract. Make sure the center inspires you, and that you’ll be happy with spending a lot of time coloring parts that will ultimately enhance and radiate from the center.

Think About Your Color Choices

The colors you are drawn to when approaching a mandala are important. You’ll want to make sure to pick a design that will be enhanced by your color choices instead of muddied. Take into consideration which geometric patterns repeat, and how you might also choose to color with that kind of uniformity.

When you choose to color a mandala, you may be worried about the outcome and whether it will look attractive. Planning your color choices ahead of time is a great way to quell this anxiety so you can get to the business of coloring with mindfulness and ultimately coloring your way into relaxation.

Colors are a representation of our perceptions and experiences. The colors you choose one day may have a completely different meaning on another day, so their dynamism cannot be underscored. Make sure the colors that appeal to you will also dramatically enhance the blank design you see on the page before you.

Flip through your coloring book or poke around the internet and imagine what mandalas might look like with your color choices. The one that you think will look best is the one you should heavily consider coloring.

Consider Using a Non-Traditional Mandala

Most people can conjure up a mental image of a mandala when they hear the word, but not all mandalas are the same. While some focus on repeating geometric designs, some are built out of specific shapes or characters, such as hearts or snakes. Some mandalas are even made up of words or phrases.

You’ll want to think about which visual representations you want to see repeated. While you may appreciate daffodils, you might not want to color in 400 of them because you are more drawn to roses. Consider these differences and look for designs that encompass some of your favorite things in life.

Learn more about mandalas HERE!

Just Remember…

Seeing a mandala and studying it is supposed to be meditative, so let your mind wander while maintaining a certain level of conscious awareness. The process shouldn’t be too planned out as the entire purpose is to get lost in the activity of coloring so your anxieties unfurl and evaporate.

Coloring a mandala is supposed to be a relaxing procedure, so while it’s important to be focused when choosing it and executing it, in the end, it’s supposed to relieve stress and not cause it. Keep in mind that the result is not the ultimate prize and that going through the coloring process is really what this experience is about.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Are Mandalas Used in Art Therapy?

Mandalas are a wonderful therapeutic resource for adults because they allow the person coloring to get in touch with their inner child. By doing an activity that is associated with childhood, you’re able to remember and process emotions you may have felt as a child.

What Is the History of Mandalas?

Mandalas have been used for millennia by Hinduists and Buddhists in meditation. Its complexity and interconnectedness are designed to make the viewer visualize their place in the world and find peace within themselves.

How Do I Choose Colors for My Mandala?

Color palettes can have a huge impact on mandalas, and it might be beneficial to consider the color wheel when choosing your colors. This will provide compatibility and dynamism to the finished mandala.

Maximize the benefits of coloring with my free adult coloring eBook and by signing up for my email newsletter HERE!

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Shawn C

Hi! I’m Shawn and I Love Coloring and Art and the people in it! I created this website as a resource to help those who are considering getting into adult coloring. My website is your one-stop destination for all the inspired instruction and resources you need to start and grow your adult coloring hobby. From geometric to floral to zen doodles and from time to time even mandala’s when I am in the mood. I have researched and gathered the information to help you in your goal of starting your adult coloring hobby.

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