Does Coloring Improve Handwriting?

Coloring. One of the joys of childhood that many people carry on into adulthood. Coloring is perhaps the earliest form of handwriting. Whether using those beautiful bright waxy sticks, sleek colored pencils, inky markers, or chalky wands, each can provide the user with an outlet for expressed creativity. But is coloring merely a fun pastime and creative outlet, or are there hidden benefits to coloring for both young and old? Can it help us improve the quality of our handwriting?

Coloring improves handwriting in many different ways. Brain function is enhanced as well as physical dexterity, both of which promote good handwriting. Some of the ways coloring can improve handwriting include:

      • Hand-Eye Coordination
      • Fine Motor Skills
      • Strength and Endurance
      • Forethought and Planning
      • Confidence

Just as a baby needs to learn to crawl before walking for proper brain development, the art of coloring is not an isolated skill for creating beautiful artwork. Woven within the intricacies of mastering good coloring techniques are many other benefits for people of all ages. Improved handwriting is one of those benefits, and we will explore the fascinating details below.

Hand-Eye Coordination

Hand-eye coordination is just what it sounds like. The hand and eye working in conjunction are essential for good handwriting. The eye identifies what is required to accomplish the task, but the hand is responsible for carrying it out. Coloring enhances this delicate partnership because it requires the eyes to assess boundaries and dimensions which the hand must then navigate. Through continued coloring, this coordination is fine-tuned which will contribute to greater success in handwriting.

As infants begin to have awareness of their hands, they will clumsily grab at objects, often missing the mark. Over time and with practice, their hand-eye coordination improves, and within the first several months of life, they can consistently reach out and grab what they see with a much greater success rate.

When a toddler begins coloring, hand-eye coordination increases at a rapid rate through consistent repetitive motions. Spatial awareness within the confines of the coloring canvas is developed adding yet another layer of brain development to those already established.

These skill developments are not just limited to children. Adults can gain similar benefits through coloring by conscious and concerted efforts to stay within the boundaries and focus on the details. Improved handwriting is a wonderful byproduct of coloring.

Fine Motor Skills

Whereas hand-eye coordination is the connection between what the eye sees and how the hand moves, fine motor skills refer to the actual muscle movements themselves. Fine motor skills are essential for good handwriting and must be developed.

Again, when babies begin to grasp at objects, they tend to use a “mitten” type movement excluding the thumb. As they continue to develop, they incorporate the thumb, then develop the pincer grasp, and eventually more intricate movements of the fingers.

Coloring is a wonderful way to develop fine motor skills. Using age-appropriate utensils, a child will start to gain useful fine motor movements and increase their dexterity.

Useful first-step tools to help your young one be successful in their beginning efforts include:

      • Chunky crayons
      • Larger grip pencils and markers
      • Sidewalk chalk

For older children and adults, similar benefits are derived. For many who spend much of their time using keyboards and screens, they may even find that their fine muscle movements may diminish over time leading to sloppier or more illegible handwriting. Coloring provides exercise to restore and fine-tune those finger, hand, and wrist muscles which will lead to better dexterity and improved handwriting.

Strength and Endurance

Just as someone wanting to run a marathon will most likely start with short runs and work up to the long mileage because their stamina may be lacking, so it is with handwriting. Using muscles in a way they are accustomed can be met with aching and fatigue. One must build up endurance for longer stretches.

Handwriting is no different. Those finger, hand, and wrist muscles must be strengthened so that they can finish the assignment take notes, or write the personal handwritten correspondence without fatigue.

Coloring is a wonderfully satisfying way to gain strength and endurance. While initially, a small picture or even partial project may seem fatiguing, over time strength and endurance will continue to improve. Because of the pressure required for crayons and colored pencils to receive adequate coverage, strength in the fingers and hands will increase because of the mechanics of applied pressure.

Adults who have gotten used to communicating digitally will benefit from coloring to regain hand and finger strength and endurance perhaps lost due to deconditioning. Have you noticed how as people age their handwriting tends to worsen? Although the decline can be the result of an underlying health condition, loss of strength and endurance can also be factors.

Forethought and Planning

Another aspect of coloring is forethought and planning. Examples of forethought and planning include:

      • What colors will go where?
      • Should I outline the different sections, and if so, how?
      • When do I need to stop at an edge or continue to follow a specific design?

It’s about planning. Even though we aren’t necessarily consciously focusing on each one of those things, our brain is doing it anyway. This has a great impact on our handwriting.

That same brain activity that plans out what our coloring technique and completed art will look like is actively determining the style and quality of our handwriting.

      • Above the line or below the line?
      • Fit another word at the end of the line or go to the one below?
      • How much space should be allowed for this letter to be formed without being crowded?

Our brains are amazing and process so many things without us even thinking about them! The frontal lobe initiates and executes problem-solving and planning, and coloring is a wonderful tool to strengthen those skills. Like many seemingly menial tasks, the impact on our brain is far beyond our comprehension.

Just like our physical bodies need exercise, so do our brains. Coloring exercises our brains in many ways including forethought and planning, and our handwriting will reap the benefits.


Although maybe considered an intangible benefit of coloring, certain confidence is developed through obtaining the ability to color to one’s satisfactory level of accomplishment. I’m sure you’ve seen it at times, the bright-eyed smile of a child holding up their colored artwork with pride. Of course, we shower them with accolades and proudly display them among our finest art.

I don’t have to tell you that confidence obtained in one accomplishment isn’t just connected to that one achievement. Often that victory is a springboard for others. When we gain experience and master a skill, our mind chalks it up as a victory for our whole being, and we are encouraged to carry that expectation of success into other areas of our lives.

When someone, child or adult, feels successful with their coloring skills, it is only natural that the same confidence will carry over into their handwriting, especially because it is a familiar skill with a similar technique. Confidence breeds confidence, after all! And we all can use a little more confidence!

Final Thoughts

As you can see, coloring provides many different avenues for improving handwriting as well as for overall brain development. So lest you be inclined to deem it as merely an enjoyable pastime, embrace it as a way to add value to your life and improve your skill set. Color the picture! Celebrate your accomplishments! And then, perhaps, pull out a sheet of stationery or a notecard and send off a beautiful handwritten sentiment to someone you care about!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are other ways to improve handwriting?

There are many useful tools beyond coloring to improve your handwriting. Selecting a comfortable writing utensil is essential. Some prefer a slender pen, while others do better with a thicker grip. Make sure that you are relaxed and your chair is at the proper height. Finally, obtain writing worksheets that are freely available online, and practice, practice, practice.

What are some creative ways to use handwriting?

Handwritten items have great appeal. Make art for your home by tracing over your handwriting with paint or chalk. Create a small business selling handwritten items. There are even businesses that hire people to write handwritten notes. Or you can take your handwriting to a whole new level and explore calligraphy which is in high demand in wedding markets and for creating fonts.

What are the other benefits of coloring?

Coloring provides many benefits to both the mind and body. It is a great way to de-stress and relieve anxiety. Coloring helps one to focus on the task at hand and set aside worrisome or stressful circumstances for a time. It is also a wonderful way to express creativity and fill your space with beauty. Coloring in any form that you enjoy is reason enough to do it!

Maximize the benefits of coloring with my free adult coloring eBook and by signing up for my email newsletter HERE!

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Shawn C

Hi! I’m Shawn and I Love Coloring and Art and the people in it! I created this website as a resource to help those who are considering getting into adult coloring. My website is your one-stop destination for all the inspired instruction and resources you need to start and grow your adult coloring hobby. From geometric to floral to zen doodles and from time to time even mandala’s when I am in the mood. I have researched and gathered the information to help you in your goal of starting your adult coloring hobby.

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