About Me

About Me

I started Adult Coloring Masterpiece for my Love of Coloring. I love coloring so much that I wanted to gather all the information I could about the process and share it with fellow colorists just like you! To put it simply I adore coloring from geometric to floral to zendoodles and from time to time even mandala’s when I am in the mood. 🙂 But more importantly, I created Adult Coloring Masterpiece because I care so much about the power of adult coloring and the people in it.

Adult coloring hobbyists/colorists are some of the most passionate and most generous people I know and this website is my way of giving back and sharing what I have learned about this awesome hobby. So, sit back, relax and browse my many articles and research I have gathered over the years. Adult Coloring Masterpiece is your one-stop destination for all the inspired instruction and resources you need to start or continue your coloring passion.

Meet Shawn Chun: Adult Coloring Addict!

I’m a happy individual who happens to love coloring! Ever since I was small I have been coloring. When the other kids were out playing in the playground a good coloring book and some colored pencils or crayons was all I needed. Even back then something about coloring bought inner peace to me. Till this day I continue my coloring passion and now wish to share this with the world.

I also appreciate the thrill and excitement of completing a beautiful coloring “masterpiece” and also embrace the calm, patience and clearing of the mind that comes along with the process of getting to that masterpiece. Join me in my journey as we learn more about the art and science of adult coloring.